
Water vitalization for domestic and agriculture purposes


Too often we are settling for working with and using dull water, failing to realize the incredibly powerful life-cycle of water.

The Aquakat is a permanent device that has the potential to revitalize dull water economically  to a whole new domain of water capability beyond imagination

Can be used domestically and commercially.


  • Promotes better nutrient uptake, stronger plant growth and higher yield and productivity with the Aquakat in use.
  • Helps reduce fertilizer and other inputs.
  • Observed higher chlorophyll production, substantial elevated brix (sugar) readings and aids in germination.


  • The Aquakat helps with greater water consumption, cleaner troughs and drinking bowls.
  • Helps create better feed efficiencies and performances, especially when combined with the Penergetic T products.
  • Aids in improving water system performance (such as automated wash systems/plate coolers) etc


  • In field sprayers incredible results have been observed such as producing finer droplets (instead of a mist) so the spray is less inclined to drift, with some even using lower water rates.
  • Can provide better ground coverage and more even spray pattern.
  • Noted better chemical performance in hard water conditions.
  • Noticed herbicides work more efficiently and mitigate stunting (brown spots/damage).


  • Enables better taste and absorption (spring water quality).
  • Promotes the lessoning of lime build-up and iron (rust).
  • Enhances health and cellular absorption.
  • Aids in detergents and other solutions to emulsify in water.

             WATER IMPROVEMENT – Releasing Water’s Untapped Potential

Water is the universal solvent and too often we interact with it in its compromised form. The Penergetic Aquakat device has the capacity to accelerate, amplify and improve water to such a higher essence, which deserves to be discovered. In livestock, whether pets or domestic animals, using the Aquakat to boost water to its full potential can be extremely rewarding. 

Evident observations such as cleaner drinking bowls, higher animal performances, and calming behaviours are certainly appreciated. For plant and crop vitality the Aquakat is again your advantageous tool to use in achieving ultimate results and controlling input costs (such as feritilizer, etc.). 

Impressive observations of higher brix readings, elevated chlorophyll and nutrient uptake are some of the benefits that cannot be overlooked in today’s management decisions. In operating today’s precision field sprayers, mitigating drift, optimum spray contact and placement, lowering chemical tie up, overcoming hard water (and other water issues) are distinct challenges that the Aquakat can diminish. 

In many homes the Aquakat is used instead of a water softener and to revitalize water to spring like quality and health support. The Aquakat also has many commercial applications such as car washes, recreational vehicles, produce misters and many more.

"Our swimming pool had given us many problems for almost a year. We were regularly having our pool tip over and go green easily, and we found we were having to spend a lot of money on chemicals and pool servicing, by our local pool shop. We also travel a lot, and each time we would come home after a short holiday our pool would be green.

With having the Aquakat installed, and leaving the pool pump running until the pool water was clear and balanced, for us to see such a change to both the clarity and feel of our water. What an experience to swim in the water now, for our family and grandchildren. So soft on our skin, with no more worries with red sore eyes or ear problems. Also, our fresh water tank is now both clean and at a healthy balanced pH level once more, which is better for our garden as well. We find we are now able to look after our pool very easily without outside help from a pool company, which is a big cost saving.”

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